How to get LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth working on Windows 8

Wallpaper - Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth
Wallpaper – Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth

Hi there,

Recently I decided to fire up the classic RTS-game Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth from EA Games. I use Windows 8 on my PC (with a patch so that I get the “normal” Windows desktop), but did not give it much thought. The installation process went well, but the game refused to run properly afterwards.

The game crashed with the following message: “EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION”

If you experience the same problem, here is a solution which worked for me:

1) Open Notepad or a similar text editor and insert the following lines:

AllHealthBars = yes
AlternateMouseSetup = no
AmbientVolume = 50
AudioLOD = High
Brightness = 50
FixedStaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
FlashTutorial = 0
HasSeenLogoMovies = yes
HeatEffects = yes
IdealStaticGameLOD = VeryLow
IsThreadedLoad = yes
MovieVolume = 70
MusicVolume = 70
Resolution = 1600 1200
SFXVolume = 70
ScrollFactor = 56
StaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
TimesInGame = 6
UnitDecals = no
UseEAX3 = no
VoiceVolume = 70

2) Save the file to the directory “AppData\Roaming\My Battle for Middle-earth Files\”. The name of the file must be “options.ini”.

3) You can adjust the resolution (where it says UltraHigh) to fit your own screen, for example Low.

4) Run the game and enjoy!!

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. 🙂


  1. yep it worked. Paste into note pad saved it as .ini doesn’t have to be unicode and it worked on Windows 7 64bit. Now I need the patches. Stupid EA made this game die out. They should always have patches and fixes available. I play 1999 StarCraft and it never has problems this 2004 and my god. They are telling me my specs are out of date. How can that be I can run starcraft hots on ultra and cant run this lol. Hopefully other people find this site. Because some games are good I enjoyed it a lot.


    • Hi there Sergei! Many thanks for commenting. 🙂 Glad you got the game working. It is truly a masterpiece and one of my favorites in the RTS genre. It is a shame EA did not maintain it the way they should, but also that they made it so “incompatible” with future versions of Windows for example.


      • Hi,

        I am using windows XP, I have no AppData folder, but I try to create an options.ini and paste it into LOrd of the ring folder. It didn’t work. I cannot play the game because of this Exception Access Violation. Please help me.


        • Hi Edison,

          Yes, that can be tricky if you are running Windows XP. The drawer is hidden, so you can’t see it.

          1.Open Folder Options in Control Panel.
          • Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
          • Click Appearance and Themes, and then click Folder Options.

          2. On the View tab, under Hidden files and folders, click Show hidden files and folders.

          After that is done, save the file here: C:\\Documents and settings\YOUR NAME HERE\application data (hidden).

          Did you get it to work? 🙂


      • It’s because of bad timing on release dates. Computers at that time *early 00s* were going to 64 bit. 64 bit already existed but was resisted for a long time like going to HD TV where you can’t use rabbit ears anymore.

        When BFME 1 and ESPECIALLY 2 were released most people were lucky if they could get the damn demo to even install let alone actually do any gameplay without serious performance problems.

        The few who could play BFME2 had to turn graphics all the way down unless they had a 800$ gaming rig or performance issues would pop up all over the place..

        Just a year or two after that the 64 bit computing was pretty much standard unless you were an old dinosaur that refused to upgrade and now a lot of emulator people are finding out their computers are not 64 bit compatible which I was shocked to find they still had them.

        If you were to buy a computer when BFME2 came out they were advertised as 32 or 64 back when you could read the specs of it and do comparing.

        Now you’ll be lucky if stores have any laptops which if they do chances are it’s junkware.


  2. Would like to say a HUGE thank you! LOTR BFME is my favourite childhood game and i was devastated when i couldn’t play it on Windows 8. This post has made my day, even my month so once again, a huge thank you, you’re a legend.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello! So, i tried what you said, i made the file and all that jazz!! But it wont let me save it into the game, its also only the CD file, is there another file somewhere im not finding? It just says it cannot be saved into this file. Many thanks:)


    • Hi Lucas!

      Have you located “AppData\Roaming\My Battle for Middle-earth Files\” on your hard drive? You need to make a whole new file by opening Notepad (for example), insert the text, and then save it to that location as “options.ini”.

      I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “CD file”, but do you mean you have an .ISO of the game and that you try to save the config to it?

      Thanks in advance for your answer and good luck! 🙂


  4. Hasn’t worked for me 😦
    I notice if i open take manager it says that game.dat is not responding. Could it be that it is only 32bit and my OS is 64bit?

    Should i try installing to a different location?


      • Thanks for the quick reply!

        simply the first screen you see after double clicking the icon. it crashes before the game even attempts to go full screen.

        I get the EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION message you described above



        • Hi Daniel,

          No problem, just glad to be of help. 🙂 I know how frustrating it is to not getting this great and awesome game to work. 😉

          Just to be sure, you found the correct directory to put the file into?

          First you should try changing the resolution in the options.ini file to 800 or 600 or something else, just to be able to run the game. Try different (lower) resolutions. Many have managed to get it going by that. Open the options.ini file and edit the resolution and then save. Did that work?


    • Hi Vasea,

      Thanks for your question. 🙂

      Native widescreen resolutions are not supported by LOTR BFME. To use custom resolutions you must do the following:

      1) Find the options.ini file (“AppData\Roaming\My Battle for Middle-earth Files\”) and open it with Notepad
      2) Locate the line saying “Resolution = **** ****
      3) Change **** **** to the resolution of your choice and save the file

      Good luck and please let me know if it worked. 🙂


      • Hey dude

        thanks so much got it working but I’m having a issue where its like I’m zoomed in too much, and I can only zoom in more like its stuck on a default any tips? res is set to 1920×1080

        AllHealthBars = yes
        AlternateMouseSetup = no
        AmbientVolume = 50
        AudioLOD = High
        Brightness = 50
        FixedStaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
        FlashTutorial = 0
        HasSeenLogoMovies = yes
        HeatEffects = yes
        IdealStaticGameLOD = VeryLow
        IsThreadedLoad = yes
        MovieVolume = 70
        MusicVolume = 70
        Resolution = 1920 1080
        SFXVolume = 70
        ScrollFactor = 56
        StaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
        TimesInGame = 8
        UnitDecals = no
        UseEAX3 = no
        VoiceVolume = 70


      • hey
        thanks a lot got its working but it seems in game that its zoomed in too much anyway to fix it?

        AllHealthBars = yes
        AlternateMouseSetup = no
        AmbientVolume = 50
        AudioLOD = High
        Brightness = 50
        FixedStaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
        FlashTutorial = 0
        HasSeenLogoMovies = yes
        HeatEffects = yes
        IdealStaticGameLOD = VeryLow
        IsThreadedLoad = yes
        MovieVolume = 70
        MusicVolume = 70
        Resolution = 1920 1080
        SFXVolume = 70
        ScrollFactor = 31
        StaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
        TimesInGame = 13
        UnitDecals = yes
        UseEAX3 = no
        VoiceVolume = 70


  5. Hi,

    I got the game to work on windows 8 but whenever I try to start it in gameranger it always crashed…. Not sure what the deal is, any help?



  6. Thank You Thank You it worked on my windows 7 64 bit I have missed this game for a few years and love it! Nothing to download or to take any chances with just copy and paste and save. Thanks again


  7. Hi,

    I have copied and pasted the options into notepad and clicked save as how I can’t seem to find the “AppData\Roaming\My Battle for Middle-earth Files\”. I am on windows 8 but what files/icons do I click to get there? I can’t find it. Thanks.


    • Hi there HBHB! Have you enabled the option to show hidden files and folders? If not you must turn it on. You can also try this path: Access your computer (C:) – choose “Users” – Choose “your-username” – Choose “AppData” – Choose “Roaming” – Choose “My Battle for Middle-earth Files”. Did that help?


    • Hi there! I’m not sure what you have done, but you only needed to save the file in the mentioned folder. If the game does not run you might consider a complete re-install and then try again.


  8. I have followed the steps here, as well as a few other very similar options.ini configs to get LOTR:BFME working on Windows 8.1, The game loads up just fine, but when I enter into a skirmish, I get about 2-3 minutes of play time and then automatically get a DEFEAT…


  9. Still cant manage to play the game without dying and I have followed all the correct steps and the steps on the other page please help?


  10. Hey mate do you know a fix for windows 10 ? i got the same problem but the fixes for windows 8 do not work for windows 10


    • Hi there! Thanks for the report concerning Windows 10. I have not read anything about running BFME on that OS, so will definitely dig into this. Hopefully there is a solution to the problem. I’m considering getting Windows 10 as well (at least some time in the future), so would be a bonus if one could play the BFME-games on it. Cheers!



    im playin BFME 1 on a windows 10 but im having a hardtime because of the slowmotion of everything when im on campaign like when i move my units(is it because of the 30fps cap?)..its different from the menu(camera going up to the eye it runs smooth) and the map.
    for me lets say 50 is the default gamespeed,mine is like 25-30 SO I TRIED YOURS thingking that it can fix the slow motion….i downloaded it at forshire .. can you please help me i just wanna play the game on a normal speed..not slow not fast..

    OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home
    Version 10.0.10240 Build 10240
    Other OS Description Not Available
    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
    System Model SATELLITE C855D-10W
    System Type x64-based PC
    Processor AMD E1-1200 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, 1400 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
    BIOS Version/Date Insyde Corp. 1.10, 4/25/2012
    BIOS Mode Legacy
    BaseBoard Manufacturer AMD
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
    Total Physical Memory 3.49 GB
    Available Physical Memory 1.33 GB
    Total Virtual Memory 13.3 GB
    Available Virtual Memory 10.5 GB

    what i did :
    *followed the steps above and then discovered that.
    *Options.ini is already there (i did not created it)
    * i just edited&renamed the Options.ini to (options.ini) on the spot(no copy paste just manual typing) I changed the resolution(from 1024 768 to 1366 768),gamespeed from 40 to 90,(saved)
    *i run the game>EXCEPTION_VALUE_ACCESS
    *so what i did is i edited the resolution(options.ini) again on the spot from 1366 768 to 1024 768 (save)>run the game>OK!!
    *when i got into the game i change the resolution GAME MENU(OPTIONS) to 800 600 . APLLY CHANGES>CLOSED GAME(ALT F4)>go to options.ini(then i change the resolution to 1366 768)when i came back to the game(SMOOTH RUNNING) menu option no Resolution displayed on the box(only if you click the dropdown button you will see 800 600 and 1024 768)(detail is ULTRA HIGH)I JUST LEFT IT untouched.
    *played campaign its still slowmotion,so i close the game and re-open it..then changed the detail to high (nothing has changed about the slowmotion)

    im tired!!!!
    AllHealthBars = yes
    AlternateMouseSetup = no
    AmbientVolume = 6
    AudioLOD = High
    Brightness = 43
    FirewallBehavior = 1
    FirewallNeedToRefresh = FALSE
    FirewallPortAllocationDelta = 0
    FirewallPortOverride = 16000
    FixedStaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
    FlashTutorial = 0
    GameSpeed = 90
    HeatEffects = yes
    IdealStaticGameLOD = VeryLow
    IsThreadedLoad = yes
    MovieVolume = 5
    MusicVolume = 49
    Resolution = 1366 768
    SFXVolume = 5
    ScrollFactor = 58
    StaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
    TimesInGame = 76
    UnitDecals = no
    UseEAX3 = no
    VoiceVolume = 14


    *1366×768 @60p Hz
    *high 32-bit landscape

    * “REACTIVATE AMD COLOR CONTROLS”(not clickable)

    *MAX reported RESOLUTION 1366X768
    *MAX reported REFRESH RATE 60 Hz
    *maintain aspectio(radio button selected)

    *active power plan BALANCED
    *CPU SPEEDS 777MHz – 1400 MHz (on bat & plugged)



    >Anti aliasing
    *LEVEL: 4X
    *SAMPLES: 8X



  12. Does anyone have a fix for Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth or The Battle for Middle Earth 2 on Windows 10. If so, I would be most grateful to know it.


  13. Definitely need a fix for Windows 10. It is the 1 game I can’t get working since I upgraded…of course it’s a game I play all the time, so am none too pleased.


  14. Hi old school i have problem in my game when it start the game end after 2 min or less but no one atake me so why i lous ???


  15. Thank you so much! Tried this on windows 10 and it worked. The folder you mentioned is hidden (so I needed to enable hidden files in the view tab after opening file explorer). The folder was in users [name] app data. Again, I am very thankful!


      • Hi, i’m using windows 8, 64x and i cant find the AppData part when im going to save my ini folder. I go to the C:\Users\*yourorcomputerusername* and the AppData is no where to be found


        • Hi Mark! Thanks for your comment. You can’t see it because it is hidden. Go into the Control Panel and type “folder” in the search box. Then select “Folder Options”. You’ll see a line called “Hidden files and folders”, select “Show hidden files and folders” and apply then changes and click OK. Hope this was of help. 🙂 Good luck!


      • Hi, i’m using windows 8, 64x and i cant find the AppData part when im going to save my ini folder. I go to the C:\Users\*yourorcomputerusername* and the AppData is no where to be found. Please help


        • Hi Mark! Thanks for your comment. You can’t see it because it is hidden. Go into the Control Panel and type “folder” in the search box. Then select “Folder Options”. You’ll see a line called “Hidden files and folders”, select “Show hidden files and folders” and apply then changes and click OK. Hope this was of help. 🙂 Good luck!


  16. I cant get it working no matter what I do, I’ve tried everything from forshire and it still crashes when it tries to launch, I have windows 10, I want to play this amazing game, PLEASE HELP


    • It’s stupid that computers suck now at backwrds compatibility since the latest updates of 7 and the release of 8. Is Assassin’s Creed and Candy Machine ll these big corporations want us to do?

      Windows 10 has absolutely no bckwarsd mode where 7 and 8 was hit nd mostly miss with compatibility mode


  17. how do I get battle for middle earth 2 to work? Same way? and if it is the same way, I have tried it and it didn’t work, the game just crashes on the launch


  18. I’m trying to run bfme 1 on disc on windows 10 and it wont work, ive followed all the post you’ve posted above and it still didn’t work can i get some help.


  19. Foresire blog has a special online edition that is an exe aand works right off the bat with lots of extras included but no conflict if you wish to play online.

    Sad 2 say his BFME2 Special Editions and ROTW is NOT an exe and half his steps are not compatible with 64 bit OS.

    He gets lots of people with nothing but problems doing his steps but he pretends to smile nd dodge the incoming missiles….I mean questions.

    I mean if you are going to go thru the ropes of having online tutorials/set up guides you better get your ass ready for a beating as things change over a year or two.


  20. Hey there everyone! I installed BFME yet again on my Windows 10 PC. I got it to work after creating the additional file, so the game runs flawlessly in that regard. My issue is that it would seem I can’t update BFME when I click the “check for update” button on the boot up menu. It checks for a file and then says it can’t find one! I’m currently running BFME 1.0. If anyone can help me with this, I’d be so grateful!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Hi there Old School Game Blog,
    Firstly sorry for bring up this subject again, but i have just been through this whole page and think that what you and the others makes a lot of sense. However i have now tried to install the game again on my Win 10 machine and my first issue is i do not see the, My Battle for Middle-earth Files\. I have turned off the show hidden folders option and can find AppData. Do i need to create this folder and then the text or should it be created autonomously after install? Please help


  22. Hi all,
    Never mind i got it to work.
    For those that can get to the appdata folder but cant see the lord of the rings folder , just create new folder and edit the name, make the ini and you are good to go!


  23. having problems with the 3 minute autodefeat on BFME, anyone know how to fix it? Legitimate copy but started having the issues since i ran a fix to use it on windows 10 😦


  24. I have PRO Windows 10 and the game installed fine but I don’t have an *appdata* folder anywhere to even put the options ini file in.

    We only got BFME2 to install by Dad finding that you have to check Direct Play in some kind of windows option that allows older games to work. Up to Windows 7 it was on by default but after that you have to manually turn it on which MS does not tell you plus we renamed our main drive to (D) because up to Vista games required specific letters.

    After Vista computers had enough memory that now you can have drives A-Z and it isn’t a problem for newer games but pre Win Vista games are very picky about exact lettering.

    Under Vista you could actually have a few letters up to G I think but NOT all the way to Z as in today’s systems.


  25. The switch over to 64 bit killed PC gaming. It was already dying with independent companies giving up the ghost *BroderBund* *Dream Catcher/Cryo*etc but the switch over to 64 bit made it impossible to keep up with hardware demands.

    The developers of the triple AAA games all decided to just screw the PC and go console only and thought we wouldn’t notice so when we did they just give us a crappy port with clunky menu systems in ported games.

    Most of the games are hack n slash or farm ville games for really simple people where creativity and an artistic mind is discouraged but I blame the toxins in our water and skies for that.


  26. My issue is that my installer doesn’t create the “My Battle for Middle-earth files” folder, any advice?


  27. Hi,

    I installed BFME 1 on Win 10 and here is what I got:

    “This app can’t run on your PC.
    To find a version for you PC, check with the software publisher.”

    I am with Acer laptop Intel i7, 1920×1080 Full HD resolution.

    Any idea?

    Thank you in advance.


    • Hi again! I didn’t get to try the game, since I found out the new PC does not even have optical drive! Man, I’m getting outdated when it comes to modern computers.. hehe.. Did you manage to get it working?


    • Get a 32 bit computer. The modern crony capitalism wants to spy on you and everything you do so why have CD drives? All they do is encourage piracy and independent thinking so if everybody streams online all the time it can ALL be controlled and have a *kill* switch.

      Look up Agenda 21. Trump is totally AGAINST the global establishment or so he says. He is already preparing to do things that will cause a massive *ahooga* sound to the established elite who have lived high on the hog for so long.

      Now they are running scared and are crying foul to cover their butts as one last gasp of breath. Oh Vommit has *federalized* the US Media which essentially is grasping at straws.


  28. Hey…I just got Lotr 1 for Christmas but it just don’t run…I tried the Fix from u but it still doesn’t work😣
    Can u plesa help me


  29. Best solution. If any are still around get a 32 bit computer from the early 2000s. Both games were made when computers were not yet 64 bit.

    64 bit computers actually were around since 2001 but were not widely accepted because companies who make parts and software companies knew it would be a big disaster so it was resisted for a long time until parts for 32 bit motherboards stopped being made sometime in 2007.

    Early 64 bit computers could run both 32 and 64 bit software without running into too much compatibility issues but later 64 bit it would just say “Not compatible with your machine” to the point it isn’t going to install period.

    No go.


  30. A lot of software companies (not just games) completely folded when all these changes were made or bought up by larger firms *EA* and nothing was done with them useful.

    Before the Windows 8 crisis the computer industry was just starting to stabilize and now there really isn’t any reason to get a computer unless you want to run legacy software.

    Intel now has stated they will be (locked) into Windows 10 ONLY or your screwed royal with no way to change it without breaking it.

    Things are like the 1980s again where software could only run on THEIR OS and nobody else.


  31. Trying to get BFME one and two to run on a modern computer is the same as trying to get an authentic record player that actually has good quality and balanced sound.

    You can get *remakes* of LP records and players but they are designed overseas using the same name as Crosley for example which makes them now in China and it will eat your records up in no time.

    These *brands* have nothing to do with the old companies and is corny capitalism.


  32. Hi
    Could you help me. I simply can’t find the “My battle for middle-earth” folder. I am on Windows 10 and have the “show hidden folders” clicked.
    Is it possible to just make one yourself?


    • Hi there! Thanks for your question. 🙂 If the folder is not there, then you’ll have to create it manually. Hope this was of help and good luck with getting the game to run!


  33. Hi
    Could you help i simply just can’t find the “my battle for middle-earth” folder under “roaming”. I am on Windows 10 and i have checked the “show hidden folder”


    • Hi there! Thanks for your question. ? If the folder is not there, then you’ll have to create it manually. Hope this was of help and good luck with getting the game to run!


      • Thanks for the help, however i do still have 2-3 more questions if that alright.

        So i put the disk into my computer, then i run it, pres English, write the serial. press register later and then it installs. When it’s finished i then go through the path to “roaming” however the “My battle for middle-earth files” folder is not there, so i create my own as you said. I then create the “options.ini” file and copy in exactly what is written in top op of this page. I then close it and try to run the game…no difference. So for my 3 questions:

        1. Did i do something wrong?
        2. Do i have to patch it before doing anything?
        3. Will the game not run if it’s not my own resolution?


  34. Good day/night

    Trying to play LOTR BOME II on windows 8.1.
    Did the .ini file thing and installed the start up fixeer program…..
    It installs but gives me “can’t find DVD rom,pls insert the correct disk” error

    Pls advise!!
    I’m desperate and tiered of struggling 😦

    Thank you


  35. I’m trying to run BFME 1 with a cd on windows 10, the installation went fine and I put in the ‘options.ini’ file in the right spot with that text but it still gives me a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION.
    Do you have any idea how to help?


    • Hi there! It seems it is nearly impossible getting these games running on Windows 10. 😦 I have seen one trick though. Can you right click on the icon and see if you have an option “run with graphics processor”? If yes, please give that a go. It has helped for some users. Good luck!


  36. Long time since someone wrote here, not sure if this will be seen or fixable, but i’m out of ideas.

    i have the game installed on windows 10, i am able to open the game just fine, i have the options folder and everything, but when the game is opened, the main menu buttons (play solo, options, quit etc) and the text that’s supposed to be on top left corner, none of these are showing up at all.


  37. win 10 bfme 1 options ini in place and the game doesnot launch.the java fixer gets stuck and cannot apply changes.ive tried t3a online launch with aio patch and community support and still nothing. i ve been trying to make it run for the last 2 months and my 6 year old son is asking of me to buy him an old pc


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