The Ataribox – What is it?

Hi everyone,

Guess many of you’ve seen the Ataribox webpage now and like me wonder what this is all about. It is clear that a new console is on the way, but nothing more than that. Will be it just another Atari 2600 clone thingy or something else?

Nintendo had a lot of success with the launch of their Nintendo NES Mini, so maybe Atari will try the same thing? Possibly with old Atari ST games? It’ll be interesting to see for sure. I’ve signed up, so looking forward to some news in the near future. 😉

I must say though, the Atari 2600 games are everywhere from Steam to almost every other platform out there, so really hope they are aiming at the ST games library, but time will show of course. Here is the hype generating video:


  1. If it’s just another retro-mini-console, I really wonder why they retweeted this Forbes article, where “Atari could disrupt the console market”.


    Sounds like more than this mini stuff, but I don’t dare to expect that, the actual upper class console market is PS4 & XBox, senseless how great the hardware will be (remembering the great Jaguar without games).
    But maybe it’s not that TurboHD stuff & more Nintendo-like? Uhm, I don’t know.

    Staying tuned 😉


  2. There is some more information about the new Atari console out there in the meantime, but I’m still not convinced that I need it.

    Will you buy it?

    I think it’s a little expensive for what it seems to be. But we will see.

    I still don’t own an Atari 2600/7800, but I´m not sure the Ataribox will be the solution. Maybe I`ll look for the real deal from the old times on the secondary market instead.


    • Hi Frank! It’ll be interesting to see all the features and what will be bundled with it. I don’t know yet, but if it contains something fresh and can be used for other purposes in the living room (Netflix etc.), I might get it. Right now I use an Xbox 360 for Netflix, but I never play on the console, hehe. 😉


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