Gaming on AmigaOS 4.1: 1941 Extreme Deluxe (Studio-Grey/Badblocks / HunoPPC)

A picure of the 1941 Extreme Deluxe running in fullscreen mode.

It’s time for another game review here on the Gaming on AmigaOS 4 blog and today I’ll write about a fast and furious shoot’em up called “1941 Extreme Deluxe”.

I’ve tested the game on my Sam460ex and in emulation with WinUAE/FlowerPot on a PC running Windows 10. The version of the game is 1.1.1 and was uploaded to OS4Depot in December 2010.

The minimum requirements is an AmigaOS 4.x compatible system.

Studio-Grey/Badblocks was behind the concept of the game, while HunoPPC has delivered code (and bonus) and porting to AmigaOS 4.


You can download the game from OS4Depot by click on the link below:

The archive takes up 48 MB of space.

Love the icon! Looks great!

To install the game after downloading, head on over to where you stored it and right-click on it. Then select “extract to” and choose the destination. Once unpacked, it can be launched by opening the drawer of the game and double-clicking on the icon. The game will then boot up in windowed mode, but this can be changed to fullscreen once the main menu has appeared on screen. You can also change the configuration file directly.


“1941 Extreme Deluxe” is definitely a no nonsense shoot’em up. The aim of the game is to destroy all enemies and advance to the next level, while avoiding huge amounts of bullets flying around the screen. Controls are easy to learn. You use the cursor keys for movement, left CTRL to fire, B to drop bombs and ESC to quit. You can also use a joypad if you want, but I did not try that. There are many kinds of power-ups to collect providing you with better weapons, fast movement and much more.

So, how does it play? Is it a fun and challenging shoot’em up game? Let’s have a look.

The main menu of the game. Here you can start a new game, change options, look at the high scores, find instructions on how to play or quit the game.
Here are the different options. I went with fullscreen mode during most of the testing, but windowed works fine too.
No high scores registered yet. πŸ˜‰
If you want to know how to play, this screen is very helpful. Here the program will show you all you need to know about the different controls.
It’s time for the first stage. πŸ™‚
Let’s go fullscreen!
Now we’re talking! πŸ™‚

Instead of including more screenshots, I recorded a short video of me playing the game through WinUAE/FlowerPot. I’d love to use the Sam460ex, but I haven’t got video-recording sorted out yet. Hopefully sometime in the near future, but time will tell. πŸ˜‰

Now, here’s the video:

Playing “1941 Extreme Deluxe” was great fun! It is a difficult, hectic and challenging shoot’em up game (others might find it easier to play than me), but definitely a true joy to play.

Controls are easy to learn, graphics nicely drawn and the music and sound effects creates a fitting atmosphere. I will, no doubt, return for some more playing in the future.

I highly recommend that you download this one and get it installed on your AmigaOS 4 system. πŸ™‚ If I had a scoring system on this blog, I’d give this one 5 out of 5 stars. πŸ˜‰

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this game review.


  1. Nice review! So excited about the Amiga Tabor! Kind of off-putting to see that “.exe” text below the icon though. This is AmigaOS, not some inferior system.


    • Hi Daniel! Thanks for commenting. πŸ™‚ Looking forward to the Tabor as well. Have you pre-ordered one? It’s great that a more affordable system supporting AmigaOS 4 will be out for sale again. Right now the only thing available is the X5000. Thanks again and have a nice day!


      • Hi and thank you for your reply – looking forward to the next review!

        Yes, I have actually ordered a Tabor from AmigaKit (last update was in April so let’s hope they’ll post another one soon!). I think I speak on behalf of quite a few Amiga users when I say that I personally have never seen AmigaOS 4 in action, so I am really looking forward to the experience! To some extent, I’ll be like the 1980s all over again, exploring the system and what it is like.

        Personally I’m crossing my fingers that the Tabor will let even more Amiga users (and even people who have never ever seen or used an Amiga before) into the community. With ExecSG in development, things are actually looking both promising and bright!

        Apart from your game reviews, I would love it if you guys would post a feature article about what you would like gaming on AmigaOS 4.2 to be like! I mean, in what way would you like the AmigaOS 4.2 APIs to evolve in order to accomodate for a fresh, modern gaming experience up to par with what gamers of 2020 expect? Keywords: “Amiga Achievements”, Streaming, Cloud Saves and so on! Do consider it guys – you’re the experts here, and I think a lot of people would be interested in knowing what cutting edge gaming on AmigaOS 4.2 would ideally be like!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Daniel!

    Cool that you have pre-ordered the Tabor. πŸ™‚ Hopefully there will be some updates about it soon. I too have hopes that this will boost the activity in the AmigaOS 4.x scene. A more affordable computer will definitely be more tempting for people to purchase than an X5000, which costs a fortune. πŸ˜‰

    Your idea about what we would like gaming to be on AmigaOS 4.2 is great! “Amiga Achievements” would be a winner I think. Entwickler-X, creator of games for AmigaOS 4 made something in that area with Online high-score tables for one (or more, I don’t remember) games.

    A-Eon has the AmiStore system where you can purchase and download software, so maybe something could be done with that? Time will show, but definitely something I’d be interested in for sure. πŸ™‚


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