Odyssey 1.23 r5 released for AmigaOS 4

Hi everyone,

A new version of the Odyssey web browser has been released for AmigaOS 4! This should be very welcome news, since having a more up to date and functional browser is important. 🙂

Here is the news from kas1e quoted from Amigaworld.net:

About 5 years passed since the last os4depot release of the AmigaOS4 port of Odyssey browser originally written for MorphOS.

For that time there were few spikes of additional work done on port and beta-versions were released on amigans.net for those who were brave enough.

But now (at last) after some small updates done lately there is a normal os4depot release so everyone can use the new version.
And if by some luck there will be some newbies they will have the latest version of what we can give at the moment.

Grab it from the os4depot while it is hot!



You can click here to read about all the changes that has been made.

Here is the link to the page on OS4Depot containing the program.

Big thanks to kas1e for his great work! 🙂

The Amiga user Dr. Hirudo has released a video of the web browser in action, which you can watch on YouTube:

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